The hard core extream - this could happen in any country at any time. Right now it is happening in Austrailia but how long before this becomes part of UK or US culture?
When men feel that meaningless sex has distroied their relationship with their children it is only a matter of time before they want to know of the govenment that protects them - why have you allowed this to happen to me.
It may not be reasonable but it will happen. The only question is how long have we got to avert this?
Blackshirts Home Page: "THE CRIME OF ADULTERY
"There is no crime more heinous, more tragic, more damaging, more insulting, more fundamental to peoples lives than adultery! So much so that God ordered the death penalty for such a crime (Leviticus 20 - 10).
"In my view, adultery is much more damaging to children's lives than paedophilia itself. Adultery not only corrupts a child but the entire family as well. Every member of the family unit (including the entire extended family) is deeply affected by such an act and for a very long time.
"Families may overcome just about anything and even death itself but will never overcome adultery. The extended family of the adulterer will feel the shame and disgust of their family members betrayal of their spouse and become shrouded in the crime especially the parents who were responsible for the upbringing of their son or daughter.
"The children are torn apart and divided between their parents and other members of the family. The family home becomes a ghost residence - no longer a family home. Trust is gone and is replaced by betrayal and disgust. The unity of family has gone and all because of a mindless act of adultery."
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