daddy - the heart of the issue

Investigating the law, culture, and prejudices effecting families from a UK perspective

Monday, May 17, 2004

Discrimination against Men

The claim that men can not care for children "because they are too viliolent" must not be allowed to stand. It is time to do something men. Don't be bullied by an extreamist minority.

BBC Here and Now MORI Poll

All serious studies into domestic violence show a roughly equal balance
between the genders. Some studies have shown that there is a higher rate of
domestic violence amongst lesbian than heterosexual couples. A poll undertaken
by MORI and commissioned by Here and Now had these main findings:

  • One in five (18 percent) of men have been victims of domestic violence by
    a wife or female partner as opposed to 13 percent of women by a man..

  • One in nine women admit to having used physical aggression against a
    husband or male partner (compared to one in ten men).
  • 14 percent of men say that they have been slapped by a partner (compared
    to 9 percent of women).
  • 11 percent of men have had a partner threaten to throw something heavy at them (compared to 8 percent of women).
  • Only 4 percent of women explained that their behavior (either verbal or physical) was because of drink or drugs (compared to ten percent of men).
  • Nearly half (47 percent) of women say that their behaviour (physical or verbal aggression or verbal reasoning) was because "it was the only way I could get through to him".
  • Working class men (20 percent) are more likely to have been subjected to
    physical agression by a wife or female partner than upper or middle class
    men (15 percent).
  • Here and Now's survey reveals that fifteen percent (6.3 million people) of the population say that they have been subjected to physical agression by a husband/wife or hetrosexual partner.
  • MORI interviewed a representitive quota sample of 1,978 adults in Great Britain. 1,865 of whom had ever been in a personal relationship with the opposite sex.
  • Field work was conducted from 17-21 November 1994 in 150 constituencies. All interviews were conducted face to face in home employing a self completion technique. Data have been weighted to the known profile of the British population.


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