daddy - the heart of the issue

Investigating the law, culture, and prejudices effecting families from a UK perspective

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Thought for the Day from man2man (U.K.)

A man that has suffered from emotional and physical abuse for years without
once hitting his wife or partner is not a wimp, he is a real hero. A hero
that patiently, with a great love and massive compassion seeks to find any
way he can to pacify the women he loves without violence. He will talk to
her for hours. He will strive to remain calm during the most violent storms
of cruel and hate filled invective. He will shield and protect his children
from her rage. He will go working day after day to feed his family. Only
when his tired mind and heart can no longer suppress the tears and pain she
has put him through will he seek help for his condition."


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