daddy - the heart of the issue

Investigating the law, culture, and prejudices effecting families from a UK perspective

Friday, June 18, 2004

In My In Box

This message arrived in my email recently... I can only hope for my son that it is somewhat true.

Dear Supporter,
10th June 2004

'Conservatives back Dads Campaign'

The ongoing campaign by controversial fathers group Fathers 4 Justice (F4J)
gained political support for the first time yesterday from the Tory Leader
Michael Howard.

The Rt Hon Michael Howard QC MP said: "With around 4 million children living
apart from natural parents it is important that those children enjoy contact
with both parents as much as possible where that can be achieved. Too many
non-resident parents are being failed by the system and deprived of the
access to their children which they deserve and from which their children
derive great benefit. The Conservative Party is determined to raise this
problem up the political agenda and promote the rights and responsibilities
of shared parenting."

F4J claimed credit for the move despite waging high profile stunts which
have often angered MP's.

Said Parliamentary Co-ordinator Gary Burch 'This statement is long overdue
but the awareness raised by our campaign is helping to create serious

'Before F4J nothing was happening. Now we have a Green paper due out any
day, the Leader of the Opposition coming out in support, a Fathers day demo
on Friday, our Blueprint for family Law in the 21st Century which is also
published this week, hunger striking grandparents and funpowder plot demo's
in the House of Commons.'

'This was unthinkable just 18 months ago. Now we must make this a serious
election issue.'

But we still face a Herculean struggle. 22 people face trial in the coming
weeks and months for public order offences and the government will fudge the
issue yet again without Fathers 4 Justice relentlessly and tenaciously
pursuing their every turn. If you do nothing else this year, support the
campaign for truth, justice and equality on this crucial day where you can
voice your dissent to the politicians and civil servants of this country
about family law injustice.

Don't do it for yourself, do it for your kids - THEY NEED YOU - and support
Fathers 4 Justice at both our colourful demo and at what promises to be a
great evenings entertainment at our benefit gig.

F4J is one big family and no doubt we will all run a huge gamut of emotions
on the day. There will be laughter, but there will also be tears. Stand
proud, stand together, for what we have achieved is already history. Now it
is down to us to seize the opportunity to shape the future of family law and
leave a lasting legacy for all our children.

This Fathers Day may well be a defining moment in this campaign.

I look forward to meeting you on the day.

Best Wishes

Matt O'Connor
Founder, Fathers 4 Justice