daddy - the heart of the issue

Investigating the law, culture, and prejudices effecting families from a UK perspective

Friday, July 02, 2004

all MEN are created equal

all MEN are created equal: "Look at the profiles for Child Abuse. In spite of the spectacular cases lately where the Mothers have killed their kids. Susan Smith, the five kids in Texas, the case in LA, and so on, who is the one listed on the papers passed out at the doctor's offices as 'somebody to watch out for'? Men.
WHEATON, Ill. - Rejecting a claim of insanity, a jury found a 44-year-old mother guilty of murdering her young children Wednesday.
Marilyn Lemak smothered her three kids after tucking them into bed in March 1999.
She admitted killing Thomas, 3, Emily, 6, and Nicholas, 7, but defense and prosecutors disagreed on her state of mind. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty.
Wed, Dec 19/2001 "
Finally after a long search I find some-one speaking up. I am finding in my research that more harm is done to children by women then by men.

Why is that? Simply because women have the children more than the men? or because once an abusers primary target (in our case the man) they will lash out at whoever is nearest and searest! This is sadly a well astablished fact.

Conclusion: there is no fairer, better or greater gender. All sides have produced criminals but it is time to stop harrasing and beating up on parents that just wnat to patch togeather what is left of thier lives and get on with doing what they know they need to do: being the best dad they can!

Thursday, July 01, 2004

I Hate Men Moderated forum

I Hate Men Moderated forum: "This is the I Hate Men Moderated forum. You must be a NetWork54 user in order to use this board. Since its quicker to delete your account then it is for you to create a new one trouble makers will be removed. Have a Nice Day!"

What do these fem-Nazi's think they are playing at? It is hard enough being a father and dealing with the funny looks you get with out this idiotic rubbish encouraging women to hate, kill and abuse men.

It's bad enough that people look at you like some kind of pervert if you hug your own daughter or give your own three year old a kiss. But now we men must also take hate forums in good grace.

It stinks.

Men are not allowed to get away with anti-female hatred, racism is illegal, ageism is forbidden and discrimination on the grounds of gender is outlawed... ...unless you are female!

being a dad is hard enough without being victimised for our gender as well.

It is time to tell the inner story

It is time for us Dads to tell the full story - not just the facts and cold statistics but the inner story: the feelings, the pain, the loss and the fear.

How can we expect others to understand unless we give them something to understand?

Tell your story here
you do not have to give your name

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Men and Divorce law in England

: "All of the above makes the divorce process a particularly difficult one for most husbands. The system is weighted against them in many different way although, of course, one can argue about whether or not that is proper. The point remains, though, that divorce can lead many men to feel that they have suffered major injustice"

If you continue to anger 50% of the population you surely risk the stability of the country as a whole!