daddy - the heart of the issue

Investigating the law, culture, and prejudices effecting families from a UK perspective

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Just Let Me Be a Dad

Just Let Me Be a Dad: "The author tells us what the fathers who have been through the legal system have to say about their experience:
'If they had it to do again, they all admit they would take their children and run.'"


The hard core extream - this could happen in any country at any time. Right now it is happening in Austrailia but how long before this becomes part of UK or US culture?

When men feel that meaningless sex has distroied their relationship with their children it is only a matter of time before they want to know of the govenment that protects them - why have you allowed this to happen to me.

It may not be reasonable but it will happen. The only question is how long have we got to avert this?

Blackshirts Home Page: "THE CRIME OF ADULTERY
"There is no crime more heinous, more tragic, more damaging, more insulting, more fundamental to peoples lives than adultery! So much so that God ordered the death penalty for such a crime (Leviticus 20 - 10).
"In my view, adultery is much more damaging to children's lives than paedophilia itself. Adultery not only corrupts a child but the entire family as well. Every member of the family unit (including the entire extended family) is deeply affected by such an act and for a very long time.
"Families may overcome just about anything and even death itself but will never overcome adultery. The extended family of the adulterer will feel the shame and disgust of their family members betrayal of their spouse and become shrouded in the crime especially the parents who were responsible for the upbringing of their son or daughter.
"The children are torn apart and divided between their parents and other members of the family. The family home becomes a ghost residence - no longer a family home. Trust is gone and is replaced by betrayal and disgust. The unity of family has gone and all because of a mindless act of adultery."

Monday, April 19, 2004

Welcome - Responsible Single Fathers

Welcome - Responsible Single Fathers: "Let's showcase Dads! It's no secret that there are tens of thousands of single dads out there who are working hard to nurture their family as best they know how. Custodial, Non-Custodial, Joint Custodial, Widowed, or never-married none of it makes any difference. What matters is that we let others know that we exist and that we are making a difference in the lives of our kids and communities."

CSA - The new system

When the CSA cannot get involved if: "If the PWC claims 'undue distress' (this is where the PWC claims to fear harm (physical or otherwise) from the NRP if he is contacted for child support)."

PWC = Parent with Care; NRP = Non-residential Parent

Shared Residence

Shared Residence: "The following year (February 1994) in the Court of Appeal, A v A (Minors: Shared Residence Order) underlined the prevailing view that shared residence orders were 'unusual' and were unlikely to be made if there were still unresolved issues between the parties, including the amount and nature of any contact.

Naturally, separating parents, particularly with a father seeking a shared residence order, probably with the mother opposing this and wanting a sole residence order in her favour, would have unresolved differences over contact.

Lady Justice Butler-Sloss said, 'It must be shown that there is positive benefit to the child concerned for a s 11(4) [an order specifying how the time was be allocated between the parents] order to be made.' Although it has been claimed that the requirements had been eased since the 'exceptional' had now become 'unusual', the door marked �Shared Residence Orders� was practically shut in fathers� faces by this judgement, made just two and a quarter years after the Children Act 1989 came into force."

Shared Residence

Shared Residence: "Referring to a scenario in which a child spent a third of his time with one parent and two thirds with the other the Law Commissioners remarked:

'It is a far more realistic description of the responsibilities involved in that sort of arrangement to make a residence order covering both parents rather than a residence order for one and a contact order for the other.'"

Shared Residence

Shared Residence: "However, in practice, the idealistic concept of parental responsibility has been diluted tremendously. The emphasis shifted almost immediately to focus on the residence order, an emphasis which recognises the real-life situation and which enables an unco-operative residential parent to assume almost total control of a child�s life and restrict or prevent contact with the other parent."

Overseas and Abduction

I have failed my boy. Had I known this I would ave acted. " application can be made for the child's return in the first twelve months..."

Abduction: "Under the Act (insofar as it relates to children) a major consideration is that of the child's 'habitual residence'. Under section 41 of the Act the child will be treated as being habitually resident in the original jurisdiction for a period of one year unless there has been agreement from 'all persons having, under the law of that part of the United Kingdom or that territory, the right to determine where he is to reside'. So, unless there is a Residence Order in force, an application can be made for the child's return in the first twelve months."


Statistics: "Percentage of children in fatherless families
US 22%
UK 20.7% "

Statistics about 'deadbeat dads' and the effects of absent fathers

Statistics about 'deadbeat dads' and the effects of absent fathers: "90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes"

"14 times more likely to commit rape: This applies to boys of course." - same

Why? Why just assume that only the male is capable of such crimes. There is an inherant gender bias in this report.

Sunday, April 18, 2004

My name is Matt and I am a father.

why does that sound like I am at an AA meet and being a father is so bad. I am proud to be a dad. I have four children, one in heaven, one (IMHO in hell) with his mother and whatever man she has got at the moment, and two with me.

I have a wife who is an extreamly nice person. She's a real looker and she can cook! She is also great to spend time with and I do so whenever I can.

The reason I have started this blog is because I wish to examine some issues. These are the issues of fathers rights movements in the UK. I will examine very similar movements in the US and Australia.

I will not be doing this alone. With me on this journey will be other users I do not know who these people are yet and maybe you are one of them. At some stage I will be adding comment boxes and one will be just for those who might like to join. It will be by invite only and limited to a very small number of persons.

Unlike the last blog on this subject (art of darkness) I will not be telling my stroy, nor allowing it to be told in any great depth. The result was that visitors who saw themselves as the antagonist flammed the blog (hosted on blogspot) and before long it became over whelmed by verbal venum and hate posts. It was totally tit for tat and eventually I came to see that it was infact just a giant turd. I stopped handed over the controls and started agian.

This time the aims are simple. Investigate the issues.

Join me if you will and let us take the journey togeather.